On behalf of the AWA and its members, and in support of our primary customer base, I attended a gathering at the National Press Club in Canberra in May to mark the release of the housing industry’s 2013 federal election policy document, Housing Australians.
The platform is simply 50 actions that, if implemented, will reinvigorate the Australian residential building industry and address the housing affordability challenge facing the nation. Taxation on housing, access to finance for consumers and small business, red tape and improving the flexibility of the industrial relations system are just some of the essential areas slated for reform. To support the release of Housing Australians, HIA has embarked on a campaign to make housing a key issue in the upcoming election. As a part of this campaign, HIA is asking members to register with its new website australianeedsbuilding.com.au and send a message directly to their local Federal Member of Parliament challenging their thinking and lack of action on housing – and reminding them just how important the housing industry is to Australia.